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The English Teacher.

My Students are Poets and Know It

Teaching the joy of reading and art of writing poetry through grammar, pop culture, and other American poets. Many student samples included. (Grades 4-12)

A Picture Writes 1000 Words

Capitalize on your students' visual learning styles and create a classroom of exceptional readers and writers. Melissa will demonstrate several successful image-based lessons that engage and challenge students, including those most at-risk.  Melissa will also demonstrate Harry Noden’s successful “Brush Stroke Writing” strategies, also known as “Image Grammar.” Using images to stimulate thinking and word choice, students learn how to layer their writing with varied word structure and deliberate uses of different parts of speech. Participants will receive hands-on training, as well as ready-to-use classroom presentations and lessons to begin implementation in their own 4th-9th grade language arts classrooms.

Reaching Reluctant Writers
More Presentations

This session will demonstrate "tried and true" (and fun!) strategies that help bridge the gap for today's learners in the language arts classroom. The presenter will share best practices for teaching poetry, narratives, nonfiction, grammar, and punctuation that both engage and challenge students to become better writers, especially those who are most reluctant to write.Handouts will include helpful links, student samples, and ready-to-use classroom activities/projects. Student web publishing tools will also be provided.

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