User-Friendly Resources for School Data Discussions in Alabama

NAEP 2022
Alabama leads nation in math, reading recovery after pandemic (Al.com)
Despite Headwinds, Alabama Gains in 4th Grade Reading and Math (PARCA)
ACAP 2022
2019 & 2021 District Data (Interactive Map by Trisha Crain, Al.com)​
ALSDE ACAP Proficiency Data (scroll to Proficiency - Download Spreadsheets)
ACAP Data by District, School, Subgroup, Poverty, etc. (PARCA)
PARCA - ACT, ACAP, College-Going, Gap Comparisons, Graduation, College and Career, & WorkKeys
School Digger
Test scores, rankings, school and
district boundaries, student/teacher ratios,
ethnic makeup, and scores of other useful
metrics and information for individual schools.
Free & Reduced Lunch Counts for Schools/Districts
(Click "Free Lunch By System and School")
Special Education Data by District
School Incidence Reports (SIR)
Posted on ALSDE's Data Center - SIRs and Information
Other Discipline Reports( OCR Data)
All Things Data! - OCR Data
Demographics, Assessments, Discipline, Student and Teacher Attendance, etc.
For more than 25 years, the Data Book has served as both a benchmark and roadmap for how children are faring and is used to raise visibility of children’s issues, identify areas of need, set priorities in child well-being and inform decision-making at the state and local levels.
Workforce Development
Alabama Workforce Development Data and Resources

Attendance Data
This interactive map shows rates of chronic absence along with relevant school and community factors for every school in the country. You can search by zip code or school name; click on schools to discover more information.
School Finances and PPE
COVID/ESSER Funding School Spending Tracker - Alabama Schools (NEW)
​This tracker is designed to highlight how districts are spending these funds and allow families, communities, and advocates to have the information they need to advocate for their students’ education and COVID recovery.
2018-19 Alabama Funding Streams by School
Other Data Tools
Explore Average Test Scores and Learning Rates in Your School & Community (New)
Awesome List of Alabama Data Charts and Graphs (Tableau Vizzes)Data Workbooks
Data USA
College-Going and College Remediation Rates
Click on "High School Feedback Reports"
High School/District College Going and Remediation Data,
Years 2013-present (PARCA)
More College-Going Rates (PARCA February 2018)
FAFSA Completions
Alabama Possible / Cash for College FAFSA Data Dashboard
(by District, School, Year) - updated weekly
ACHE FAFSA Completion Data
(by Year, District, School, State Map, Resources, etc.)