NBCT Candidate Resource Page
Congrats NBCT candidates for embarking on this exciting professional learning adventure! National Board Certification was a turning point in my career, and I am so thankful to those who supported me during the process. To pay it forward, I created this website to help all candidates (including those who received the grant) find information about the NBCT process, available mentoring, and resources.
Highly recommend candidates to join the Alabama Network of National Board Certification Facebook group! Their website is really helpful too.
Please know your Portfolio Instructions and Certificate Standards are already posted online for your review. I encourage candidates to carefully study their certificate area standards, highlighting new information, as well as practices they are already
implementing. You should also review the Guide to National Board Certification for general information, protocols,
and policies. To view the available certificates (and student age ranges), click here.
Good luck to you all - you've got this!! Melissa Shields, NBCT, Ed.D. - mshields@alsde.edu / Twitter: mjshields

National Board Certified Teachers and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards advance the quality of teaching and learning by:
Maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do
Providing a national voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards
Advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification in American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers
copied from http://www.nbpts.org
NBC Process - Click Infographic below for more information.
NBCT Presentations and Docs​
NBCT Boot Camp Presentations (Recorded Videos and Slides - Getting Started, Each Component, MOC, and More)
NBCT Mega 2022 Presentation
NBPTS National Board Overview - PowerPoint
Book Study - What Teachers Know and Should be Able To Do (Activities and Resources)
Getting Started Whole Group and Small Group Activities - Handout
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important Links
NBPTS Channel on Youtube
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards has joined the nonprofit channels on YouTube. View NBPTS videos as well as National Board Certified Teachers discussing the effect National Board Certification has on classrooms, schools and communities.
Alabama NBPTS Website
Alabama NBPTS wants to help NBCTs across the state support certification candidates, work to improve education in local schools and across the state, and to discover places of leadership in our profession.
Goals: to provide a connections between Alabama teachers and NBPTS and between Alabama NBCTs and to provide a support system for NBCTs as they support candidates, share ideas and concerns, work to improve our schools, and seek leadership positions.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
NBPTS is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan, and nongovernmental organization. It was formed in 1987 to advance the quality of teaching and learning by developing professional standards for accomplished teaching, creating a voluntary system to certify teachers who meet those standards and integrating certified teachers into educational reform efforts.
NBCT Directory Search
Find Alabama NBCTs near you!
What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do (NBPTS Document)
Toolkit for School and System Leaders
This toolkit highlights four successful models that have been used to expand Board certification in school districts across the country. It also provides ready-made resources that advocates can use to bring decision-makers and stakeholders on board and engage a team to design and lead the program. Resources include communication tools, visuals, testimonials, detailed case studies, planning tools and general tips based on Board-certified teacher-led initiatives that have shown success.
Additional Stipends for "Challenging, High Poverty Schools"*
2024 Memo Regarding NBCT Stipends, including eligible NBCTs and schools for Additional Stipend (August 2024)
2023 Memo Regarding NBCT Stipends, including eligible NBCTs and Schools (August 2023)
Updated list of CEP Schools (August 24, 2023)
2022 Memo Regarding NBCT Stipends, including eligible NBCTs and Schools
2021 Memo Regarding NBCT Stipends, including eligible NBCTs and schools
*Currently, all Alabama NBCTs receive $5000 annual supplements (as described in the memo). The stipend mentioned above is an additional $5000.
FREE Mentoring
Each of the 11 Regional Inservice Centers provide support for National Board Certification. Please contact your region's ARIC Director for more information. You may find more information about your region's candidate support here.
Scholarship Awardee Information
For NBCT scholarship information, click HERE.
Ultimately, it is the candidate's responsibility to review and understand the National Board process, following the instructions carefully. Every certificate is different!
Candidates should review the Guide to National Board Certification and become very familiar with the National Board policy, National Board Certification process, and their National Board accounts. If candidates have questions about their accounts, they should contact the customer support team via email or by phone at 1-800-22TEACH.
It's important to note that in order for scholarship funding to be applied to candidates' accounts, they must complete the component registration process through Step 3: Order Review, clicking "Submit Order," for EACH component they plan to take in the current assessment year. The screenshots to help navigate registration begins on page 25 of the Guide.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alabama Certification Renewal Information
Once you are certified, you can renew your Alabama teaching certificate. You may complete the usual forms, or you can complete an "alternative form" for National Board Certification (particularly for those who certified in grade/age spans beyond their previous degrees). To do so, go to Teacher Certification , click on "Other Approaches," and then National Board Certification. If you have questions, you might contact Tricia Wool, twool@alsde.edu. She was especially helpful when I called with questions.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important Contact Information
ALSDE National Board Supervisor - Dr. Boyd Rogan, brogan21@gmail.com
National Board (they are great to answer questions!) - 1-800-22TEACH
Summer NBCT Boot Camps
This free event is open to ALL Alabama candidates, MOCs, NBCTs, and NBCT advocates. For more information, see our Boot Camp website.