National Board Certified Teachers and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards advance the quality of teaching and learning by:
Maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do
Providing a national voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards
Advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification in American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers
copied from http://www.nbpts.org/
Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
The Five Core Propositions, the Architecture of Accomplished Teaching, and the National Board Standards in your certificate area are the basis on which MOC has been designed and against which MOC evidence will be evaluated. The MOC process asks NBCTs to demonstrate that their practices are consistent with the high standards that Board certification represents. The process was developed by teachers, for teachers, just like National Board certification. Teams of NBCTs built and piloted MOC.
MOC Facts:
Cost: MOC costs $495 plus a $75 registration fee. This cost is consistent with the National Board’s commitment to making all aspects of the National Board certification process as flexible, affordable and accessible as possible for our country’s diverse educators.
Timing: Based on pilot participant guidance, MOC took an average of 53 hours to complete.
Success rate: 9 out of 10 NBCTs successfully complete MOC.
Frequency: NBCTs must complete MOC every five years to keep their certification active.
(copied from https://www.nbpts.org/national-board-certification/maintenance-of-certification/overview).
MOC Resources - Released September 2020
NBPTS MOC Website (Instructions, Forms, Evaluations, etc.)
NBPTS MOC Canvas Course (for PLFs and Support Providers)
Melissa's MOC Overview/Getting Started PPT