ALSDE Related Presentations and Resources
Curriculum and Instruction
Rock the Block (Training for Those Teaching on Block Schedule)
ATLAS (Training PPT and Resources)
Data Discussions and Planning
Alabama Data Resources (ASPIRE, Student and Teacher Attendance, Discipline, Graduation Rates, College Remediation, etc.) (2019)
Know Your Why (2016, 2017)
Continuous Improvement Planning
EdTech Principal Leadership
21st Century Leadership (2020)
Cultivating 21st Century School Leaders
TETA, Principally Speaking, ISTE, & Closing the Achievement Gap Conference​

Whenever possible, I post my workshops and trainings on this site. Click links below for previous sessions related to school leadership. When my schedule allows, I'll meet with other school districts or speak at conferences. However, all schools and teachers are welcome to use these pages for their own professional learning. Many of my favorite activities, technologies, and lessons were inspired by other awesome teachers and teacher leaders. Enjoy and happy learning!
Melissa Shields, Ed.D., NBCT