NBCT Grant for Alabama Teachers
DUE March 31, 2022
If you're looking at this page, that means you are considering (or know someone who is) going through the National Board Certification process. Having been where you are myself some years ago, let me just say, "You can do this!" I received the NBCT grant as a young teacher, and I know how important it was to me both financially and professionally, as well as how becoming an NBCT was a turning point in my career. There was very little support for NBCT candidates back then, and so with that in mind, I have put together this site to help you find National Board information and resources, as well as the grant application itself.
I have also created a Candidate Resource Website for those going through the process: Alabama NBCT Candidate Support Website. You'll find helpful resources, free regional mentoring opportunities, timelines, and overview of the NBCT process. Make sure you check it out!
And of course, visit the NBCT Website. Candidates can register and sign up for components, as well as find helpful NBCT information. Click "Get Started" tab to create account and register. Candidates can also preview their content/teaching area's portfolio instructions by clicking here.
Good luck to you! I'm excited to see our great state getting #NBCTStrong-er!
-Dr. Melissa Shields, NBCT / mjshieldsecboe@gmail.com / @mjshields
2022 Spring Scholarship Application (must have Google associated account to view)
Screenshots of Complete Application (for friendly printing and planning)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Boyd Rogan: boydrogan21@gmail.com
​Excerpt from the State Education Budget - $450,000 for National Board Certification:
National Board Certification of Teachers - $450,000 appropriated and at least $50,000 of this appropriation shall be expended for Accomplished Teaching, Learning and Schools (ATLAS), and at least $50,000 shall be expended for candidate support and professional development during the certification process. The balance of funds shall be expended to provide fee support to candidates seeking certification. Any unused portion of the funds shall be expended for aforementioned candidate support and professional development. Candidates whose annual household income exceeds three times the most recently available median household income ($120,000) for the state of Alabama shall not be eligible for fee support. Priority shall be given to candidates in certificate areas with high needs as determined by the State Superintendent of Education (e.g. mathematics, literacy, science, early childhood, middle childhood, etc.); candidates who agree to teach at a school with five or fewer National Board Certified Teachers for a period of three years; and additional need criteria determined by the State Superintendent of Education.
Grant Eligibility Requirements (copied from grant application): ​
_____ 1. Have three (3) years of teaching experience and a baccalaureate or higher degree.
_____ 2. Teach full-time in a public K-12 school.
_____ 3. Commit to teach three (3) years in an Alabama K-12 school.
_____ 4. Commit to completing the NBCT Portfolio (all four [4] Components).
_____ 5. Applicant is responsible for registration fees ($75.00 each year of candidacy).
_____ 6. Annual household income does not exceed three times the median household income for the state of Alabama. ($120, 000)
Grant Required Documents (copied from grant application):
Profile of Teaching (Type this heading on your document.)
Submit a written profile of your approach to teaching. Use the five NBPTS core propositions as points of discussion. Give specific examples from your classroom practice that illustrate each proposition. Write in first person. Keep in mind that this piece of writing should capture the life and “heart” of your classroom. Avoid writing a philosophical treatise on education.
The profile may not exceed two single-spaced, typed pages. Use Times New Roman, 12 font with one-inch margins all around. Profiles that exceed two pages will not be considered.
The Five Core Propositions are as follows:
Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
Teachers are members of learning communities.
Context of School (Type this heading on your document.)
Provide a context of your school or classroom in terms of demographics, points of pride, challenges, etc. The context may not exceed one single-spaced typed page (same font and margin requirements as above).
Two Letters of Recommendation (At least one should be an administrator at your school or district.)
List of Education and Community Related Affiliations, Achievements, Honors, & Awards Received (List Form Only – One Page)
Compile all documents together as ONE PDF and submit via the upload button in the application.
Grant Awards
The state-wide selection committee will meet to select the recipients. The winners will be notified by May 14, 2022.