Continuous Improvement Planning Resource Site
Continuous Improvement Presentations​
Discovering the 7 Wonders of a Complete CIP (OSI Team - William Jones & Taurus Smith, Fall 2021 FP Conference, 35-45 minutes)
Hindsight is 2020 – Looking Back and Moving Forward with Your Continuous Improvement Plan Discussions will include the use of nonacademic and academic data to inform planning, navigating the Cognia platform, high impact goal setting, and the importance of evidence-based strategies to maximize student impact. (OSI Team - Dr. Karen Anderson and William Jones, Mega 2021, 90 minutes)
The Continuous Improvement Plan is Done….Now What? Does your plan CIP collect dust after you complete it? How can we make our CIPs become an integral part of our work? Join the OSI Team to discuss high-leverage strategies to progress monitor and calibrate impact, including but not limited to instructional rounds, mid-year reviews, and end-of-year reflections. (OSI Team, William Jones and Taurus Smith, Mega 2021, 90 minutes)
Writing an ACIP in a Pandemic World (OSI Team, Summer 2020) Slides Recording (1 hour)
Continuous Improvement Planning and Transitioning to eProve (Melissa Shields, Summer 2020)
Completing the Cognia eProve ACIP Strategies (with references to ATSI and CSI requirements and the State Report Card Accountability Indicators) - 15 Minute Video Demonstrations (Cognia, Summer 2020)
Which Way is Up? (Melissa Shields, Summer 2019)
​Analyzing data to identify strengths and weaknesses and setting improvement goals to improve student learning.
Cognia ACIP Recordings, Presentations, and Resources
Data Discussions
CIP "Quick Sheets"
(Condensed version to share with stakeholders, board members, website, etc.)
Sample High School Quick Sheet
Sample Elementary School Quick Sheet
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Classroom Rounds Resources Aligned to CIP
Listed below are the "Classroom Rounds" tools that can be used to document student learning, CIP progress, and cognitive coaching strategies. Each school's principal and CIP coordinator may edit or update the forms, as needed for their schools. These forms are not punitive in nature; rather, the observer documents the evidence that occurs or is visible (as opposed to what is not). Feedback on online forms can be immediately provided to teachers and principals.
Online Forms - Responses are fed into a Google Spreadsheet and Graph
(Contact Melissa Shields if you would like a editable copy shared with you)
Elementary Rounds Online Form
Secondary Rounds Online Form
Excerpt of Graph Data
Hard-Copy/Print-Friendly Versions
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sample Goals/Themes/Strategies/Activities
These goals are merely samples - not prescriptive in any way. Schools and systems must develop goals and strategies that best meet their unique needs and data.
Sample ACIP Themes and Critical Initiatives (2021)
ACADEMIC Goals (Could do overarching LEARNERS goal OR individual MATH and LITERACY goals)
LEARNERS - Engage the learner through high quality K-12 aligned College and Career Ready Standards, instruction, and assessment for all core content areas
MATH - Improve Student Proficiency in Math and Reduce Identified Learning Gaps
LITERACY - Improve Student Literacy Proficiency and Reduce Identified Learning Gaps
PROFESSIONALS - Prepare and Support Teachers to graduate College and Career Ready Students.
SUPPORT SERVICES - Prepare and support students through student support services.