Cultivating 21st Century Instructional Leaders

CLAS (2020) - Slides
Closing the Achievement Gap Conference (2015) - PowerPoint Presentation
Aspiring 21st Century Leaders (2015) - PowerPoint Presentation
WATCH CLASSROOM LESSON - Making the Declaration of Independence Come Alive (9 min) Grades 9-10 / History / Independence
http://youtu.be/synntqin2Ks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A-ZVCjfWf8
Don't Beat a Dead Horse
6 People You Need in Your Corner (For Administrators)
"Call Me, Maybe" Back to School Video for Teachers
The Central Office wanted the teachers and students to
know that we can participate in project-based lessons too.
This video was shared on the first day of our district-wide
inservice called "Institute" coming back from the summer.
The teachers loved it. The video features our
superintendent, CFO, accountants, district administrators,
lunchroom managers, and other CO staff.
Etowah County's Current Web Presence
District Website: http://www.ecboe.org
District Twitter: ECBOE
District Facebook: Etowah County Schools
District Employee Facebook (Closed Group): ECBOE
District Edmodo: Etowah County Schools
Etowah County School District Schooltube Channel
Top Teacher Websites
ENGAGE ACLD PLU (Description of Activities) : ​
Published articles about our ENGAGE initiative:
"Cultivating 21st Century Leaders"Digital Is -
"Principals, Meet Facebook"Digital Is -
"How Schools Get PD Done"Tech&Learning -
Principals, Meet Facebook - Blogs
ENGAGE Discussion #1: What do you find are your weaknesses in regard to your role as a 21st Century school leader? What are your strengths?
ENGAGE Discussion #2: What are you doing as the instructional leader to encourage 21st Century teaching and/or learning at your school?
ENGAGE Discussion #3: Name a technology, lesson, or Web 2.0 tool that you feel has made a significant impact at your school in preparing students with the "3 R's" (Relevance, Readiness, and Rigor)?
ENGAGE Discussion #4: What 21st Century technologies and/or Web 2.0 tools would like to see more of in your classrooms this year? Why?
Etowah County Social Media Guidelines
Principals Podcasting
Principals were given Flip cameras and 30 minutes to create a video about why parents should send students to their schools. Principals got in groups, according to their school communities and wrote the scripts, performed, and uploaded their videos to our PD Ning within 45 minutes.
We Teach and Learn - Cheerleaders from all six high schools greet ECBOE teachers for August Inservice and perform the "perfect cheer."
This was our district's Student Services Director's (Dr. Kim Mintz) idea!
Technology Professional Development
ECBOE Summer Technology Symposium
We offered two sessions a day, Monday-Thursday the month of
June. Over 25 sessions were offered, and over 400 ECBOE
teachers attended.
Digital Disconnect
Poll Everywhere
As an administrator, do you consider yourself of aware? Can you see the forest AND the trees?
Previous Conference Sessions
ISTE - San Antonio, 2013 & SSA Fall Conference, 2013 - PowerPoint
(Keynote) W-TETA, Tennessee 2013 - PowerPoint
Principally Speaking 2012 - PowerPoint