21st Century Instructional Leaders

AASCD Presentation - Cultivating 21st Century Leaders (Birmingham - January 2020)
Other Cultivating 21st Century Leaders Sessions (including ISTE)
PPT Presentation (Jackson County Schools - July 2017)
Article for Discussion: "Defining 21st Century Learning" (January 2017)
Classroom Rounds Tool - Google Form Aligned to CIP
Sample High School History Classroom (Teaching Channel Video)
Authentic Learning (PBL) Classroom Observation Document
Vertical Classroom Studies - Observation and Reflection Document
Alabama Data-Friendly Resource Website
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Classroom Rounds (Walkthroughs) Resources Aligned to CIP
Listed below are the "Classroom Rounds" tools that can be used to document student learning, CIP progress, and cognitive coaching strategies. Each school's principal and CIP coordinator may edit or update the forms, as needed for their schools. These forms are not punitive in nature; rather, the observer documents the evidence that occurs or is visible (as opposed to what is not). Feedback on online forms can be immediately provided to teachers and principals.
Online Forms - Responses are fed into a
Google Spreadsheet and Graph
(Contact Melissa Shields if you would like an
editable copy shared with you)
Elementary Rounds Online Form
Secondary Rounds Online Form
Sample Response Graph
Excerpt of Graph Data
Hard-Copy/Print-Friendly Versions
Effective Strategies and John Hattie
Videos Shared:
"Call Me, Maybe" Back to School Video for Teachers
The Central Office wanted the teachers and students to know that we can participate in project-based lessons too. This video was shared on the first day of our district-wide inservice called "Institute" coming back from the summer. The teachers loved it. The video features our superintendent, CFO, accountants, district administrators, lunchroom managers, and other CO staff.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poll Everywhere
media type=custom key=29290507
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers...
Everything that can be invented, has been...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As an administrator, do you consider yourself of aware? Can you see the forest AND the trees?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principals Podcasting
Principals were given Flip cameras and 30 minutes to create a video about why parents should send students to their schools. Principals got in groups, according to their school communities and wrote the scripts, performed, and uploaded their videos to our PD Ning within 45 minutes.
Tech-Savvy Teacher - Back to School Presentation (2017)
Etowah County Social Media Guidelines
School District Facebook Photo Album - Post Best Practices
Sample Google Doc Collaborative Lesson Plans
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Previous Conference Sessions
ISTE - San Antonio, 2013 & SSA Fall Conference, 2013
(Keynote) W-TETA, Tennessee 2013 (PPT)
Principally Speaking 2012 (PPT)